Thursday 18 September 2014

Research into Copyrights-Miss Georgiou (Updated)

Research into Copyrights
Vasil Nikolov

Applying for music copyright
(Research into music videos)

The copyright law can be seen when an individual/company creates a work (Film/Music/System-Windows XP). The law protects them from having their work copied and or used without their consent. It also made to assure the artist that if someone else uses his song, he would also receive a said by him % from the overall money that the user has been paid. The employment of a copyright law on an artist`s work, allows him to have full control over their own work and therefore means the artist fully benefits from any use of their work.

The song that my group chose to create a music video on is called 'Blue Jeans' by Lana Del Rey. She belongs to Polidor UK Records and Interscope Records. However, we decided to use a remix of the song as the original tonality of the song was slightly depressing. This is why the full title of the song is “Blue Jeans RAC Remix”. This meant that we had to apply to the fellow that did the remix as well. We emailed Polidor to acquire permission to use the song, as requiring permission was a necessity before beginning the production of our music video. The only problem was that Polidor had an incorrect e-mail. Thus we sent one to the other record label and to the studio that made the remix.  This is why, we agreed to contact the record label early on so we can be more vigilant if there was a problem with one of the record Labels.

Below are the two emails that one of my group members sent to request copyright permission. We sent it on the 18th September 2014 at 11:46pm.

We are still awaiting a reply from the record label, However we will continue to send emails on a regular basis to hopefully gain a reply sometime soon. As we have not received a response from both record labels, we have decided to continue filming and are continuing to contact them in order to receive a response. We are aware that record labels are very busy and we completely understand them. Nevertheless, we will continue to film in order to be on time with our filming schedule. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why it is essential to apply for music copyright before you start creating your music video. Aim to explore the role of copyright further.

    Include your response from your record label, once you have received it.
