Monday 5 January 2015

Rough Cut Post-Miss Georgiou

Rough Cut

When it comes to production, it is important for the benefit of the record label to make sure that the music video they are producing is acceptable for the target audience they are marketing. Furthermore, it will help them develop solutions to any problem they have encountered as the audience would supply the label with plenty of feedback (Such as the one seen below).

We did hold a screening in front of a small group that fell under our target audience of our rough cut as well as upload the music video on Youtube. We found that it was a good idea to upload it to Youtube as the website supplied us with quick and fast responces by the Youtubers that have viewed our music video. We received responce from the screening, however Youtube supplied us with quicker responces. With the feedback that has been given to us, we will be able to further tweek our music videos in order to make them more proffesional and at the same time more able to be sold by the record label.

There were several positive comments. One stated that we possesd good editing skills as well as positive colours and a wide variety of coamera angles that have made the audience feel engaged with the music video. We had also received some negative comments. The three main ones were that the narratives needs to be slightly more clear; be less repetitive and have slightly more effect. While some may say that it is bad to have a negative comment, I believe that it is benneficiary for us as it supplies us with a segment that we can improve in order to fully perfect the music video and gain the most viewers from our initial target audience. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what a rough cut is and the benefits that it has to a production. You have made a start in describing what a rough cut is, however, the points that you have included on the comments that you received are a little basic and this is because, you have not fully explored the strengths and constructive comments that you received, or what you will change for your final product.

    Therefore, you need to read over your comments again and aim to be more specific about what you would like to do include/change.
